Well what a day this was. You have to be patient here.
1st I got frisked by Tianmen Square security. Then we almost had our cameras taken away. Then before entering Maos Tomb I was stopped again. I had one group of guys grab me to take pictures like I was some celebrity. Then some lady walked up and said I had nice hair! Only in China. But honestly I didnt see any people of color and very few other westerners. Everywhere I went people stared and tried to say hi in English. I mean put me up on a float---I could have made a ton of money. That aside, what a day. Went to Tianamen Square site of the peoples rebellion. Then I saw the tomb and body of Mao. You couldnt take cameras in which was too bad. I thought that was history I saw of global proportions. I dont even know what to say. He was behind glass in a sharp casket and his face was quite red which I think had to be intentional. From there I took a stroll over to the Forbidden City which was incredible. Not sure if I will ever be over here again-probably so-but how can I ever forget this trip!

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