Back to reality soon. Packing up to fly home. In true US fashion my 5pm Sat plane which gets me home at 5pm on Sat lol is 90 minutes late. Typical Continental. Well the first thing Im going to do is get me some American food, dim sum, fried rice, spicy beef, I love it all, but it will be a few months before I want to smell Chinese food! And yes I ate pig snout, chicken feet and some other things less identifiable....
That aside there is nothing that can ever prepare you for a trip like this-no tour books, nothing. But it is an incredible country moving at rapid pace. In Shanghai with in a block of the hotel were at minimum 12 cranes putting up new skyscrapers. The government is building 100 new airports and the Chinese owned airlines are ordering 250 new planes a month. I took a flight from Shanghai to Bejing it was a A330 with almost 300 people on it. Eventually they told me they will fly these new double deck planes than can hold 800-1000 people.
Just like when England ceded global leadership to the US last century, watch out for China. They are no joke and with 1.5 billion people who dont mind working its gonna happen....

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